Venom Spawn
General information
Description: These demons were born from flames and shadows in the fallen flames of hell. According to legends told by people, they are the most frightening nightmares that burn all their battlefields with their karmic flames of sin.
Class: Defense
Class Description: Defensive units can resist attack for longer and possess damage reduction.
Faction: Inferno
Race: Demoniac
Members: x1
Rank: Commander
Unit Soul: Venom Spawn
Short description: Steal souls to turnaround the match. Born to die.
Position : Steal souls to turnaround the match. Born to die.
Basic stats
Base HP: 14000.0
Base ATK: 375.0
Unit Upgrade: Unit EXP Upgrade cost per Level
Grade | |||
Green | 187.5 | 20.5 | 10500.0 |
Blue | 375.0 | 41.0 | 21000.0 |
Blue +1 | 562.5 | 61.5 | 31500.0 |
Blue +2 | 787.5 | 86.1 | 44100.0 |
Purple | 1012.5 | 110.7 | 56700.0 |
Purple +1 | 1237.5 | 135.3 | 69300.0 |
Purple +2 | 1500.0 | 164.0 | 84000.0 |
Purple +3 | 1762.5 | 192.7 | 98700.0 |
Orange | 2025.0 | 221.4 | 113400.0 |
Orange +1 | 2325.0 | 254.2 | 130200.0 |
Orange +2 | 2625.0 | 287.0 | 147000.0 |
Orange +3 | 2925.0 | 319.8 | 163800.0 |
Orange +4 | 3225.0 | 352.6 | 180600.0 |
Orange +5 | 3675.0 | 401.8 | 205800.0 |
Red | 4275.0 | 467.4 | 239400.0 |
Stars | Extra ATK | ATK Speed | Extra DEF | Extra HP |
3x | 52.5 | 0.33 | 10.02 | 1960.0 |
4x | 60.0 | 0.35 | 10.93 | 2240.0 |
5x | 67.5 | 0.36 | 11.84 | 2520.0 |
6x | 75.0 | 0.38 | 12.75 | 2800.0 |
I | Equipment | Basic stat 1 | Basic stat 2 |
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Beastly Eye | ATK | DEF |
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Swallow of Death | HP | DEF |
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Fire’s Grasp | ATK | DEF |
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Remnant of Flames | HP | DEF |
Recommended Holy Emblems
- Everlasting Secret (Order)
- Anger (Chaos)
- Greed (Chaos)
Combination Info
Ultimate Skill: Ambush
Description: Every 20s, Venom Spawn sprays lava in a large range around itself, dealing damage equal to % of own ATK to the target unit and creating a large lava terrain that exists for s.
Every second, enemies in this lava terrain take damage equal to % Max HP, and DEF is decreased by %. They will also be continuously inflicted with Burn.
Friendly non-Castle units in the lava terrain receive healing equal to % of Venom Spawn’s ATK every 2 seconds, and DEF is increased by %. Additionally increases Unit DMG Reduction of Inferno units by % and Tenacity by .
<Ambush> is triggered one extra time when Venom Spawn’s HP falls below 30%.
Regular Skill 1 : Flameskin
Description: When Venom Spawn is on the battlefield, decreases the Attack Speed of all enemy units by %. This effect is doubled for Ranged units.
When Venom Spawn is on the battlefield, increases your initial mana by 15.
When Venom Spawn is attacked by a Melee unit, every hit taken decreases the attacker’s Unit DMG by 1% for 2s. This effect can be stacked up to 20 times.
For every Inferno unit deployed on the battlefield, increases Venom Spawn’s Unit DMG Reduction by %.
When Venom Spawn fights against Castle units, increases Unit DMG Reduction by 50% and Unit DMG by 30%.
When Venom Spawn takes a single instance of damage, it is immune to any damage exceeding 10% of its Max HP.
Venom Spawn is immune to Bleed, Burn, Plague, and Disease.
Regular Skill 2 : Scorched Spirit
Description: Every 8s, Venom Spawn ignites burning units with karmic flames, inflicting Incinerate for 10s. Decreases the Tenacity of units that are indicted with Incinerate by , ATK by %, and DEF by %, and deals damage equal to % of Venom Spawn’s ATK every 2s.
Whenever either side loses a unit, Venom Spawn reaps its soul and obtains a Soul Orb. For every Soul Orb, Venom Spawn increases the Unit DMG of friendly Inferno units by % and Unit DMG Reduction by %. The Soul Orb bonus can be stacked up to 4 times (only 1 Soul Orb will be obtained even if more than 1 unit is destroyed within 1s).
Venom Spawn gains 1 Soul Orb every 20s, and gets an additional Soul Orb when its HP drops below 80%, 60%, 40%, and 20% for the first time.
When 4 Soul Orbs have been obtained, Venom Spawn consumes all Soul Orbs and gains <Venom Spawn’s Wrath>. The attribute bonuses of the Soul Orbs will not disappear.
When Venom Spawn gains<Venom Spawn’s Wrath>, it recovers % of its HP, increases Unit DMG by %, Unit DMG Reduction by %, Penetration by , Critical DMG by %, and Attack Speed by %. This status lasts for 5s. CD is 6s
When taking a critical hit, increases Venom Spawn’s DMG Reflection by %. This effect lasts for 10s. CD is 2s. Stacks up to 7 times.
Regular Skill 3 : Reproduce
Description: When Venom Spawn enters the <Venom Spawn’s Wrath> state, 1 Flameblood Executioner is summoned. CD of this skill is 6s. The Flameblood Executioner has ATK, HP, Critical Hit, % Unit DMG, % Unit DMG Reduction, and DEF. Flameblood Executioner exists for 15s.
For the first s after Flameblood Executioner enters the battlefield, increases Venom Spawn’s DEF by %, and increases Unit DMG of friendly Inferno units by %, Unit DMG Reduction by %, and Attack Speed by %.
Every 7s, Flameblood Executioner casts <Obliterate> on all enemy units, dealing damage equal to 50% of own ATK and additionally dealing damage equal to 25% of own ATK to all enemy units inflicted with Incinerate. It also inflicts Silence on all enemy units with an Inferno Mark for 3s.
When the target unit Flameblood Executioner is attacking dies, the enemy hero’s Mana Recovery Speed decreases by 1. This effect can be triggered 3 times. Enemy non-Inferno units get 1 stack of Inferno Mark. Inferno Marks lasts for 5s.
Flameblood Executioner is immune to Stun, Burn, Petrify, Low Morale, Disease, Blind, Plague, Bleed, and Silence.
When Flameblood Executioner is on the battlefield, friendly Inferno units are immune to Burn.
Faction Special Skill I : Broiling Strike
Description: Inferno units are proficient at controlling fire, increasing Crit Hit by and Crit DMG by % when fighting against <burned> units
Faction Special Skill II : Spell Resistance Resonance
Description: Inferno units are proficient at group defense. For every surviving unit, magic resistance is increased by%
Regular Skill 6 : Ragnarok
Description: When 3 Inferno units are deployed, increases Venom Spawn’s DEF by % and Tenacity by .
5s after battle starts, the <Ragnarok> domain forms, which expands as the skill levels up. The domain exists for 15s. The domain is triggered once every 30s after that.
Roster Connection
- Inferno (Inferno Roster)
- Defensive (Defensive Unit Roster)
- Commander (Commander)
Hero Bonus
- Attack
- HP
- Defense
- unit DMG Reduction
Talent Enhance: Defensive Talent Potion
Awaking Details
Is it possible right now? NO
Awaking Name: null
Awaking Description: With armed armor and cold dueling sword, Supreme Paladins and their followers go forward all the time in the light of the church.
Awaking Tasks
Deploy Paladin and at least 3 Castle Units to pass Champion or higher level of Dragon Utopia one time.
Collect 2 pieces of Equipment in Guild Adventure.
Collect 100 Supreme Paladin souls in the Underground: 17-2 and 17-4 levels.
Deploy Paladin and at least 3 Castle Units and win 1 Duel of Champions battle.
Awaken Skills
1st Skill (or 2nd): Fearless Execution
Description: <Reinforcements of the Valiant>Sanctuary Retinue is promoted to Sanctuary Supervisor. For each Sanctuary Supervisor on the battlefield, the Sanctuary Supervisor increases the DEF of Supreme Paladin by 15%. Supreme Paladin will restore 10% HP during the first 3 summons
2nd Skill (or 1st): Sanctuary’s Glory
Description: <Reinforcements of the Valiant>Sanctuary Retinue gets promoted to Sanctuary Supervisor. For the first 3 summons, friendly units’ damage and damage reduction will be increased by 10% for 30s. Supreme Paladin summons a Sanctuary Supervisor when entering the battlefield for the first time
3rd Skill (or 4th): Loyalty and Belief
Description: <Leadership>Paladin’s unit’s damage reduction increased by 22%. This effect is not affected by "High Morale"
4th Skill (or 3rd): Unyielding Faith
Description: <Leadership>The Paladin’s unit’s damage reduction is increased by an extra 15%. The effect doubles under "High Morale"
5th Skill (or 6th): Perseverance
Description: <Incentive> works on all friendly units. Increases Crit DMG by 50% and tenacity by 150. Duration of High Morale increased by 10s
6th Skill (or 5th): Agile Riposte
Description: <Incentive> works on all friendly units. Increases unit’s damage by 15% and tenacity by 150 for all units within range. Duration of High Morale increased by 10s
Technical info
runart: 0
summon: 1
defshow: 10.0
Rush: 1
Speedattack: 120
Attack Show: 4.0
Attack Area: 80
Attack Range: 300
Attack Speed Show: 3.0
Defense Show: 10.0
Score: 1517
HP Show: 10
disrdcvol: -2147483648
Dead Type: 1
s: 4
label1: 4
speedmove: 90
posclass: 2
talk1: Return to life, my Cavalier !
talk2: The holy light will cleanse us all!
talk3: Heretics will flee from my might!